In Fort Lauderdale (Florida) – the 2nd Italian Luxury Interiors exhibit will take place at the Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center on October 3 and 4
The initiative, promoted by ICE Agency, in collaboration with Confartigianato, CNA and Universal Marketing, the exclusive agent of the event, will be dedicated to the best in Italian craftsmanship for the sectors of giftware, furnishings, lighting and textiles.
The group show will take place within ICFF MIAMI, in the exclusive location of Fort Lauderdale, a few kilometers from Miami.
ICFF is North America’s most important showcase of contemporary design, where each year the latest trends are shown.
Over a period of two days, the Fort Lauderdale convention center will be filled with more than 6,000 interior designers, architects and people working in all areas of the luxury sector.
The American market, now more than ever recognizes the quality, uniqueness and reliability of the Italian product, characteristics that make Italy the leading European provider of furnishing products in the USA.
Italian furniture and lighting exports in the United States also continue to move in the first glimpse of 2017, marking an increase of 25.4% in the month of January compared to the same period of last year. (source FederlegnoArredo)
This is a significant growth, especially because it confirms and reinforces the performance reported in this country over the last two years (+8.8% in 2016 and +22% in 2015), which has brought the overall value of sales to well over a billion euros, making United States the fourth foreign market for the sector.
The 2017 edition of “Italian Luxury Interiors” will host 15 companies in a surface area covering approximately 200 sq.m. This is a great success for the second year of this event, with the Italian participants in the show almost doubling and the exhibit area almost doubling.
“The goal of this initiative is to increase commercial opportunities for Italian export in the furnishing sector,” declares Miami ICE director Andrea Ferrari. “This edition is a real boom for our companies, an extraordinary success made up of important increases in sales, and it is the sales, concludes Ferrari, “that determine the success of participating in these events.”
“After the affirmation of Miami’s first Italian Luxury Interiors, where the fine Italian manufacturing enjoyed enormous success,” states Donato Cinelli, President of Universal Marketing, the show’s exclusive agent, “we reported a very strong request from Italian companies to participate in this event in Florida with more than three times as many requests than last year.” Cinelli continues, “We were certain of this extraordinary result when we started this umpteenth challenge dedicated to the great Made in Italy, because an Italy of excellence and luxury,” concludes Cinelli, “is a must all over the world and, in the USA in particular, it is regarded as a great point of reference.”